Thursday, March 31, 2011

Have Your Say

Have you ever felt the need to share your stories ?
Or simply wanted other people to know your perspective ?
Then here's the chance you're looking for.

ASO is looking for interviewees for future shows and we want to hear from YOU !
So contact us at or just leave a comment here.
Have your say on the podcast stage (it's actually pretty fun). 

1 comment:

  1. I realise that this is almost two months old now, but if you're still searching I'll go ahead and give my pitch.

    First, I apologise that my URL given is to my dA account, it's one of the best ways to reach me while I'm working. Second - the thing is, I'm an active duty servicemember in the US Military who's also, more or less, open about my sexuality (well, when asked about it). I've seen the papers, read the contract, been through the briefs... and now I'm also experiencing everything we're going through now that Don't Ask Don't Tell is in the process of finally being repealed. I've been out since high school (should've been much ealier but... I digress) and have had a few decent experiences, I suppose.

    If you're interested, by all means send me a PM and I'll be sure to get back to you as soon as possible. I check my dA at least twice a day and will be sure to respond posthaste once I realise I've recieved a message.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this hastily written message!

    AR Wheeler
