Monday, February 28, 2011

RED ALERT: the most amazing podcast episode ever

Guess what ? We did it. Yup yup, it's going to be THAT awesome !

In celebration of Final Fantasy 13's one year anniversary month, we have decided to make March all about Fang and Vanille. So, make sure to check out an episode dedicated to them soon. But that's not even close to being the good news. You sure you're ready? Ok...

We have been able to get a confirmation from Rachel Robinson, the voice actress for Fang. She will be a guest interviewee on the podcast very soon (March 6th or 13th)!!! We are currently creating a list of questions, but I'm sure you Fanille fans have yours too. So, here's the deal, send your questions to by March 4th and get them answered by Fang herself. Too happy to talk? We are too (13-0's been grinning non stop for 1 hour now).

Happy birthday FF13 !

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bloods, Sands, and Rainbows

Set in the bloody sands of the Coliseum, 13-0 and Shell will take you for a ride through time. Hear about the greatest warrior ever (Achilles), the man who conquered Greece, Persia, and India (Alexander the Great), and the noble history of the gays. Finally, be ready to be introduced to the best TV show out there: Spartacus !

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

OOPS - technical difficulties

Sorry Folks,

Due to technical difficulties, there will not be an RPP or ASO for this week.
We will try to get things working again ASAP.

Thanks for your understanding,

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Melodies of Life

You won't want to miss this week's episode of ASO, with guest interviewee Claudie Larouche. Claudie is a French and English singer and song writer. In this episode, we get to hear about her experience as a lesbian and as member of the entertainment industry. Plus, as a special treat for our listeners, she has agreed to present us with one of her brilliant song. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Singing the Gaily Tunes

What does Poker Face, Glee, and How I Met Your Mother have in common? How did Jane Lynch impact the American entertainment industry? Why is Lady Gaga a hero for LGBTQ rights? Tune in to this week's episode of Rainbow Party Production to find out. We can guarantee its good (mum mum mum muah) !

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

This is What You Learn in School

We thought it was time to bring in a little more credibility to our production. What better way to do this than to hear from a professor of psychsexual organization. So what advice does Professor Glen J. Meaney give on issues related to LGBTQ? Tune it to this week's ASO to find out !

Sunday, February 6, 2011

What's in a Name ?

"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet". Is Master Shakespeare right, or was he off his rockers?

Join 13-0 and Shell as they explore the different terminologies and names for LGBTQ in English and other languages. What they are, why do we have them, and what are the implications of them?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Does She Dare ?

Looks like she does. 
Everyone, say hello to Shell: 

Now you know what her shadow looks like. haha